As alumni, you are among the School’s richest resources. United by the experiences you shared as students and your love for this place we affectionately call our “Home Beside the Shore,” you share a common bond. Whether you studied at Knox for one year or seven, in Cooperstown or on the Saint James campus, this section of our website is for you. Here, you will find the information and tools you need to stay connected with your alma mater and with each other.
Semper ad Lucem!
Alumni Giving Campaign
Donate in honor of your graduation year (ex: 2016 = $20.16), or give the most your can afford! Every donation counts!
The Knox School Alumni Association
All former students who have attended Knox for a full trimester are invited to become part of The Knox School Alumni Association upon their graduation from high school. Because Knox alumni live across the United States and all over the world, they require a strong Association with a highly functioning Council to maintain a significant voice in the life of the Association and the School to which they all owe so much.
Each year, a slate of new and continuing Alumni Association Council members is elected at the Annual Meeting of The Knox School Alumni Association held at Reunion in June. We are grateful to the individuals who are generously serving their Alma Mater in this capacity. If you wish to become more involved in the Association, please contact one of the following officers or committee chairs:
The Knox School Alumni Association
Alumni Council
Executive Board
Ellenann Coughlin Benedetto ’73
1st Vice President
Deborah Scholl Caldwell ’73
2nd Vice President
Melina Fotiou ’05
Pamela Cullington Hinrichs ’03
Melissa Schneider Barger ‘00
Committee Chairs
Alumni Agents and Annual Giving Committee
Melissa Schneider Barger ‘00
Reunion Planning Committee
Laura Lenoci ‘97, Caroline Corbin Vickers ‘87
Current Students and Young Alumni Committee
David Garrison ’08, Phillip Scott ’08
Special Projects, Events and Awards Committee
Julie DeBragga ’73, Madeline Mocelo ‘74
Nominating Committee
Deborah Scholl Caldwell ‘73
Semper ad Lucem Heritage Committee
Heather Bloomfield ’88, Ilissa Lowenstein Meyer ‘89
Opportunities for Alumni Involvement

Alumni gathering in November 2015 at Shin Gallery in New York. Pictured from left to right are Host and Gallery Owner, Honggyu Shin ’10 and Sa Rang Koo ’13.
Use the alumni section of the Knox website to:
- Stay abreast of School and alumni events, and learn about reunions and fundraising events.
- Learn how you can support Knox through service and by contributing to the Annual Fund and other giving opportunities
- Show your support by helping us to facilitate regional reunions, returning to campus for theatrical and athletic events and referring families of potential students to our Admission Office
Request a Transcript or Records
Click the button below to complete your order of an official and/or unofficial transcripts.

Alumni return to Knox for Senior Candlelight Holiday Ceremony.
Left to right: Zoerina Ledwidge ’14, Lindsay Cohen ’14, Mariam Elhawary ’15, Candy Tu ’14, Thomas Villafane ’15, Annie Davis ’15, and Ellen Benedetto ’73.

New York premier of the documentary RAIDERS! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made, the life-long project of Chris Strompolos ’89.
Left to right: Cornelius Van Cott ’16, Eric Zala, Janice Zingale H ’83, and Chris Strompolos ’89.

Were you a recipient of one of our permanent school awards? Drop us a quick note and share memories of receiving your award.