Knox is more than just a boarding school; it is home for our students. Boarding and Day students have the opportunity to find and pursue their interests in a safe, family atmosphere. Knox students experience the richness of our diverse culture from many different avenues. We strive to build a culture of community that permeates the student body. We do this through our daily Community Period in the middle of the day, which serves as a way to break up the academic day in order to reengage and reinvigorate our students. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we come together as a community to celebrate the birthdays and achievements of all of our students at Morning Meeting. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students explore their interests in one of our dynamic and student-tailored clubs. Also on Wednesdays, we host mandatory extra help so all of our students can spend extra time learning on a topic they choose. In addition to this, students regularly meet with their advisors to set goals and discuss relevant topics that teenagers face today.
At the heart of our culture are the Red/White competitions. Every student, faculty, and staff member at Knox must go through what we call the “team choosing”, where you are either selected to be part of the Red Team or the White Team. Once you are selected for your team you are a member of that team for life! Some say the choice is random but most of us know better, we know it is destiny! Throughout the year Knox students engage in Red vs. White competitions to accumulate points all with the goal in mind of winning the cherished Red/White cup.
Although Knox is our home, sometimes students just need to get off campus a bit to experience the rest of the world. That is why students are offered a plethora of weekend trips, where there is sure to be something for everyone! From trips to New York City to catch a play or explore a museum, to local hotspots like the indoor trampoline park or laser tag. Students also have the opportunity to explore their own interests by being able to suggest a trip to our Director of Student Life.
My most cherished moment at Knox was sitting at the top of the hill gazing out over the top of Houghton Hall, thinking to myself ‘I can’t believe this is my school.’
-Madison L. ’18