The Knox School staff goes above and beyond to deliver a college preparatory education and to offer appropriate support services to our students when necessary.
The BOOST department offers program and support services designed to provide capable students with the additional skills necessary to develop their abilities and reach their personal goals for academic success and college admission. BOOST classes are taught both individually and in small group settings by qualified learning specialists and meet during one period of the student’s schedule.
Knox BOOST Curriculum
BOOST is provided to students who would benefit from additional assistance in time-management, note-taking, study habits, and other skills necessary for success in the classroom. Students are enrolled in Executive Functioning BOOST at the recommendation of their current teacher(s) or the Dean of Academics. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may also request Executive Functioning Boost for their student. A student with an IEP or 504 may be recommended for Executive Functioning BOOST but a child does not need to have an IEP or 504 to be considered for a BOOST class.
BOOST Language is a service provided to students who do not speak English as a native language. Students are enrolled in BOOST Language at the recommendation of their teacher (if currently enrolled) or the Dean of Academics upon review of their transcripts and language entrance exams. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may also request BOOST Language for their student(s). BOOST Language is taught by a certified TESOL instructor who works closely with the student’s teachers to provide appropriate language development that will aid the student’s success in and out of the classroom.
Math BOOST is a program offered to students who would benefit from additional math support. This program is personalized to the student’s current math class and involves reteaching of skills being learned presently in the classroom as well as reteaching and reviewing previous skills as needed. Math Boost is taught by a certified Math teacher who works directly with the student’s current math teacher to be sure the student is offered the best chance for success in his/her math class(es).

B.A., Sociology, Stony Brook University
There is an additional $11,660 fee to enroll in the BOOST Academic Support Program.